International Council for Science - World Data Center System


This chapter spells out the functions of ICSU World Data Centers and the principles under which they operate, together with general information about the WDC system. Section A sets out the principles and responsibilities of WDCs and the rules for opening and closing Centers. These are subject to formal agreements between ICSU and the national agencies that operate the WDCs. Sections B-F of this chapter gives other information that may be useful to users. The 1995 list of WDCs may be found on the inside back cover of this Guide, and details of individual Centers are given in Chapters 3-7. The topics dealt with in this chapter are as follows:

  1. Principles and Responsibilities of ICSU World Data Centers
  2. Rules for Opening and Closing World Data Centers
  3. Contribution of Data to World Data Centers
  4. Summary of the Activities of World Data Centers
  5. The Modern WDC System: Opportunities and Problems
  6. Using the WDC System

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