AMPTE DATABASE REGENERATION - Proposed structure of UKS databases

Document No.  92048PRO0114
Date          17 February 1992
Author        M A Hapgood
Title         Proposed structure of UKS databases


I have constructed trial databases under R-EXEC for each AMPTE-UKS dataset as shown in the following sections.

1.1 Time fields

As far as it is practical, I have defined the time fields to be identical with those in the new IRM databases. Thus it will be straightforward to join UKS and IRM datasets on the time fields for comparative studies. The use of the R-EXEC JOIN function requires that the common fields have identical names, types, dimensions and null values. I have used names for time fields as shown in the list below.

    UTY         = year (two digits)
    UTD         = day of year
    UTH         = UT hour
    TrueSeconds = seconds in hour as a floating point number
    Seconds     = seconds in hour rounded to nearest multiple of 5

All time fields have dimension 1 and zero null values. UTY, UTD and UTH and Seconds are type S (two byte integers) while TrueSeconds is type R (real). The Seconds field is present in all UKS and IRM data but the TrueSeconds field is only present in UKS ion and wave data files.

1.2 Merging UKS and IRM datasets

The Seconds field in the UKS databases is designed specifically so that naive use of the R-EXEC JOIN function between IRM and UKS databases will combine records with the same time and thus give a scientifically meaningful result. In the present case JOIN will combine records on the common fields UTY, UTD, UTH and Seconds. To ensure that JOIN works reliably, these are all defined as integer fields and the Seconds field is rounded to a multiple of 5 in both IRM and UKS data. Care has been taken to ensure that all other fields in the UKS database have names that are distinct from fieldnames in the IRM database.

Note also that the R-EXEC JOIN function requires both input files to be ordered on the common fields. This is to be expected for time fields.

To ensure that all information is available to the database user, the TrueSeconds field contains the precise start time of each integration. This may be required for the study of rapid changes on the order of the integration time.

1.3 Validation field

Each UKS database contains a one character validation field. It always follows immediately after the time fields and has a name of the form STRvalid, where STR is the name of the datastream, namely one of MAG, FTR, SW, EL, AC, SFA or POW. The values of this field are:

    *     = unvalidated (default)
    blank = validated (i.e. '*' removed)
    X     = requires re-processing
    B     = cannot re-process but bad data
    N     = may contain noise or outliers
    S     = systematic instrumental effects
    M     = quality flags provided by PI (ion data only)

Other values may be defined if needed. The field has a null value '*'.

1.4 Processing

The processing required to generate each database from the source data involves two steps:

  1. Re-formatting. The data are converted to a format suitable for loading into an R-EXEC database using the LOAD command. This may involve: (a) binary to character conversion, (b) assembling a logical record into one physical record or (c) removing records outside the main logical structure of the data, e.g. headers.

  2. Loading. The reformatted data are read into a temporary database using a suitable data definition. The temporary database is then manipulated to generate the final database. This may involve: (a) modification or addition of time and validation fields to meet the standards defined above, (b) rejection of unwanted fields, (c) changes to the widths or null values of fields.

The key files used to perform these operations are listed in each section and are on RLVK unless otherwise indicated. A command file allows both steps to be done in a single batch job. To process different datasets, dates should be changed by editing the appropriate COM file.

The R-files produced by the loading procedure are placed in a directory referenced by the logical name WORK[. The form of file name is UKSyr_ddd_str.REX, where:

    yy  = year, two digits i.e. 84 or 85.
    ddd = day of year, three digits including leading zeros.
    str = datastream name, two or three characters e.g. MAG.

1.5 Merging UKS datasets

The procedures described in the following sections generate seven separate database files: 1 magnetic field, 2 ions (FTR and SW), 1 electron, and 3 wave (AC, SFA and power). Can these files be combined? I think the answer is no as, by and large, the datasets have different integration periods:

Thus it will be better to have separate files for each of the seven datasets and provide facilities for users to join datasets together when needed. The naive use of JOIN will produce meaningful results because of the definition of the Seconds field described previously. More sophisticated joins are possible through manipulation of the TrueSeconds field. Different types of joins will have different effects on the statistical homogeneity of the resulting dataset.

This approach is consistent with the thinking which has emerged from ESIS: that there are several ways of joining datasets when that join is made on a continuous variable such as time. Thus databases should be constructed in a way which allows users to choose a suitable strategy for joining datasets. The strategy chosen may be supplied by the database or one provided by the user. The choice of strategy will be determined by scientific objectives.


The contents of the trial database are taken from the magnetic field data files supplied to Chunkey by Malcolm Dunlop and Chris Mier, and now on-line in the GDF. All files are in directory DISK[PLASMA2:[MAH.DATABASE.MAG] unless otherwise indicated.

2.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null             Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
Seconds            1  S          6    -                0       2
MAGvalid           1  C          1    -  *                     1
B1                 1  R          7    2    -413262.31250       4
B2                 1  R          7    2    -413262.31250       4
B3                 1  R          7    2    -413262.31250       4
MagB               1  R          7    2    -413262.31250       4
    B1    = Magnetic field GSE X component in nanoteslas.
    B2    = Magnetic field GSE Y component in nanoteslas.
    B3    = Magnetic field GSE Z component in nanoteslas.
    MagB  = Average magnetic field magnitude in nanoteslas.
            Note that MagB**2-B1**2-B2**2-B3**2 is a measure of the variance.

2.2 Processing


The two different types of ion data are treated separately as shown below. In each case the contents of the trial databases are taken from the ion data files produced at RAL by running Rob Gowen's AMPTE Reprocessing software. All files are in directory DISK[PLASMA2:[MAH.DATABASE.IONS] unless otherwise indicated.

3.1 Fine Time Resolution (FTR) mode data

3.1.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null             Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
TrueSeconds        1  R          8    3          0.00000       4
Seconds            1  S          6    -          0.00000       2
FTRvalid           1  C          1    -  *                     1
Iden               1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
Ivel               3  R         13    5    -413262.31250      12
Itemp              1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
Icounts            1  R          8    1          0.00000       4
Iquality           1  S          3    -                0       2
    Iden     = ion density per cm**-3
    Ivel     = X, Y and Z components of ion bulk velocity in km sec **-1
    Itemp    = ion temperature in eV
    Icounts  = ion total counts in distribution
    Iquality = ion data quality indicator

3.1.2 Processing

Note. The term hhmm in the input data file name is the UT start time of the data in hours and minutes.

3.2 Solar Wind (SW) mode data

3.2.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null             Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
TrueSeconds        1  R          8    3          0.00000       4
Seconds            1  S          6    -          0.00000       2
SWvalid            1  C          1    -  *                     1
PRden              1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
PRvel              3  R         13    5    -413262.31250      12
PRtemp             1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
PRcounts           1  R         11    5          0.00000       4
SWquality          1  S          4    -                0       2
ALden              1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ALvel              3  R         13    5    -413262.31250      12
ALtemp             1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ALcounts           1  R         11    3          0.00000       4
    PRden      = proton density per cm**-3
    PRvel      = X, Y and Z components of proton bulk velocity in km sec **-1
    PRtemp     = proton temperature in eV
    PRcounts   = proton total counts in distribution
    SWquality  = proton/alpha particle data quality indicator
    ALden      = alpha particle density per cm**-3
    ALvel      = X, Y and Z components of alpha particle bulk velocity in km sec **-1
    ALtemp     = alpha particle temperature in eV
    ALcounts   = alpha particle total counts in distribution

3.2.2 Processing

Note. The term hhmm in the input data file name is the UT start time of the data in hours and minutes.


The contents of the trial database are taken from the electron data file produced by Chunkey's program. All files are in directory DISK[PLASMA2:[MAH.DATABASE.ELECTRONS] unless otherwise indicated.

4.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null              Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
Seconds            1  S          6    -                0       2
ELvalid            1  C          1    -  *                     1
ElecDen            1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ElecFlux           1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ElecHflux          1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ElecPpar           1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
ElecPper           1  R         13    5    -413262.31250       4
NEbins             1  B          2    -                0       1
Energy            48  R         11    3          0.00000     192
Vsden             48  R         11    3          0.00000     192
    ElecDen    = density in number/(metre to power 3)
    ElecFlux   = number flux in number/second/metre to power 2)
    ElecHflux  = heat flux in Watts/(metre to power 2)
    ElecPpar      =  parallel pressure in Newtons/(metre to power 2) i.e.
    ElecPper    = perpendicular pressure for one  degree  of  freedom  in
    Pascals.  Note that total pressure = 2 * ElecPper + ElecPpar.
    NEbins     = number of energy bins used.
    Energy      =  array of 48 energy levels measured in eV, note that in
    order to cope with the fact that the number of energy  levels  varies
    with  instrument  mode,  48  values  are  always written out but only
    values for 1 to number of energy bins used are meaningful.
    Vsden       = array of 48 velocity-space densities  given  in  number
    (seconds  to  power  3)/(km  to power 6).   They are computed for the
    "centre" angle bin (j_cent=jbins/2), where jbins is the total  number
    of angular bins. It should correspond to near 90 degrees.

4.2 Processing


The three different types of wave data are treated separately as shown below. In each case the contents of the trial database are taken from wave data files supplied by Sheffield and were then processed as described below. All files are in directory DISK[PLASMA2:[MAH.DATABASE.WAVES] unless otherwise indicated.

5.1 Autocorrelator data

5.1.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null              Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
TrueSeconds        1  R          8    3          0.00000       4
Seconds            1  S          6    -          0.00000       2
ACvalid            1  C          1    -  *                     1
ACspec            52  R         13    5    -413262.31250     208
    ACspec   = power spectral density in Volts**2 metres**-2 Hertz**-1 at
    52 frequencies in the range 0.11 to 3.9 kHz. A mapping of  stepnumber
    to frequency is AC_FREQ.REX in the same directory.

5.1.2 Processing

5.2 SFA data

5.2.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null              Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
TrueSeconds        1  R          8    3          0.00000       4
Seconds            1  S          6    -          0.00000       2
SFAvalid           1  C          1    -  *                     1
SFAspec          256  R         13    5    -413262.31250    1024
    SFAspec    =  power  spectral  density  in Volts**2 metres**-2 at 256
    frequencies in the range 0.392 to 132 kHz. A mapping of stepnumber to
    frequency is SFA_FREQ.REX in the same directory.

5.2.2 Processing

5.3 Power data

5.3.1 Definition

Name             Dim  Type   Width  Dec  Null              Bytes
------------  ------  ----  ------  ---  ---------------  ------
UTY                1  S          2    -                0       2
UTD                1  S          3    -                0       2
UTH                1  S          2    -                0       2
TrueSeconds        1  R          8    3          0.00000       4
Seconds            1  S          6    -          0.00000       2
POWvalid           1  C          1    -  *                     1
AvPower            1  R         17   10    -413262.31250       4
PkPower            1  R         17   10    -413262.31250       4
    AvPower    = average wave power during integration period in Volts**2
    metres**-2.  Measured over 0.11 to 3.9 kHz.
    PkPower   = peak wave power during  integration  period  in  Volts**2
    metres**-2.  Measured over 0.11 to 3.9 kHz.

5.3.2 Processing

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