Catalogue Information

Copyright WDC C1 for STP at RAL.

These may be divided into two main classes: (i) operational details and (ii) phenomena. In addition, there are a number of catalogues which contain information about the database ("metadata" in database terminology). The operational details class comprises:

The class of phenomenological catalogues includes:

The catalogues of data-taking periods, comments, regions, boundaries and the ephemeris were compiled by Peter A Smith at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; the FTE catalogue was compiled by Mark Saunders and Richard Rijnbeek at Imperial College London. A very detailed description of all six catalogues is given in AMPTE DATABASE REGENERATION: Structure of UKS catalogues by M A Hapgood, RAL document number 92064PRO0155.

The metadata catalogues include:

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Produced by World Data Centre C1 for STP.