The STScI Digitized Sky Survey

   The Catalogs and Surveys Branch of the Space Telescope Science Institute has been digitizing the photographic Sky Survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes in order to support HST operations and provide a service to the astronomical community.
   These plates cover 6.5 x 6.5 degrees of the sky and have been digitized using a modified PDS microdensitometer with a pixel size of either 25 or 15 microns (1.7 or 1.0 arcsec respectively) and the resultant images are stored on optical  discs.  These images are 14000x14000 (0.4GB) or 23040x23040 pixels (1.1GB) in size and are difficult to access quickly.
    In order to provide convenient access to these data, the images have been compressed using a technique based on the H-transform to reduce the data volume. Although the technique is lossy, it is adaptive so that it preserves the signal very well. We typically compress the data by a factor of 10 but much higher compression ratios are possible. These compressed data are then placed on CDROM and placed into a jukebox for rapid access. Users can then easily retrieve image data for any part of the sky.

    The first epoch images have already been published on CDROM, and the second epoch POSS-II and SES surveys (DSS-II) will be distributed widely to the community once they are completed. At the current time, CDROMs of the prepublication data are only being distributed to a small number of institutions who are supporting the CASB effort to digitize and compress these survey plates.

    All data are available on CD-ROM(102 CD-ROM). Documentation is available on disk, on-line, and as hard copy. Software (FORTRAN and C) programs for data retrieval are provided on CD-ROM.Data Volume 60GB