ROSAT , lauched in mid-1990, is a collaborative effort of Germany, the UK, and the US, and provides imaging, spectral, and timing information on sources in the extreme UV and soft X-ray wavebands. ROSAT has performed an all-sky X-ray survey with an estimated number of 60,000 detected sources. Pointed observations are ongoing, from which information also on about 20,000 serendipitous sources per year is expected. 

  Data from ROSAT's Wide Field Camera (WFC) are available from the Space Data Center at RAL (UK); see D. Giaretta and E. Dunford (1991).

 All data are available on CD-ROM(45 CD-ROM). Documentation is available on disk, on-line, and as hard copy. Software (FORTRAN and C) programs for data retrieval are provided on CD-ROM.Data Volume 27GB