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Dr Natalia A. Sergeyeva, Director Tel: +7 095 930 1762
WDC for Solid Earth Physics Fax: +7 095 930 5509
Molodezhnaya 3E-mail: nata@wdcb.ru
Moscow, 117296 Home Page : http://www.wdcb.ru/sep/wdc_sep.shtml

Maintained by: Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Summary of Data Held:

Seismology: seismograms from worldwide stations, station bulletins from 1957, catalogs of event parameters, microseismic data, maps, station information.

Gravimetry: catalogs of gravity survey values, maps of the Earth's gravity field and its anomalies.

Magnetic measurements (main field and secular variations): catalogs of magnetic survey values, mean annual values of geomagnetic field elements, maps of isolines of elements.

Archeomagnetism and paleomagnetism: catalogs of determinations of ancient geomagnetic field elements, maps of paleomagnetic anomaly axes in the World Ocean.

Heat flow: catalogs of heat flow values, maps of heat flow isolines.

Recent movements of the Earth's crust: catalogs of calculated values of vertical movement velocities, maps of velocity isolines of vertical movements.

Marine geology and geophysics: geochemical data for marine igneous rocks and manganese nodules, summary data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program, measurements of bathymetry, magnetic and gravity fields in the World Ocean.

The data are available in different traditional and computer forms, e.g., paper, photofilm, microfiche, magnetic tape, floppy disk and compact disc (CDROM). Some special collections of experimental data are held.

User Services: Open to visitors during normal working hours, Monday through Friday. Advance notice of visit is recommended. Reading rooms, copying, processing, and analysis facilities are available. The facilities include computers, CDROM readers, microfilm and microfiche readers, printers and copiers. Data in archives can be found through online inventories. These searches are free of charge. WDC-Russia staff gives consultations and selecst, copies and sends data for users visiting WDC-Russia or requesting data by phone or mail at cost of copying and mailing.

Remote access to online data and submission of requests is available via Internet using FTP and HTTP. Scientific project and program data management and research are undertaken on a contract basis. Assistance with educational programs for high school pupils, students and postgraduates.

Publications: Catalogs are published periodically, and are available on computers and on the Internet using FTP and HTTP. Special data collections are published in Materials of the World Data Center Russia and in computer readable form (e.g., CDROM). Some reports are published jointly with WDC-USA.

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last update: Friday, 07-Aug-2020 12:52:25 BST