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IMP-J and ISEE 3 Field Definitions

Copyright WDC C1 for STP at RAL.

The meaning of the fields in the database files is as follows;

  Time       - 5 components: year (2 digits) month day hour minute
  SC         - spacecraft number (see "Further information")
  Mag_field  - magnetic field (nT) in GSM coordinates
  Sigma_mag  - error in magnetic field
  N_mag      - number of measurements of magnetic field
  Omega      - rotation angle between GSE and GSM coordinates
  Density    - plasma density (ions/cm**3)
  Speed      - solar wind bulk flow speed (km/s)
  Fl_lng     - bulk flow longitude (degrees - positive from west) GSE
  Fl_lat     - bulk flow latitude (degrees - positive from south) GSE
  S_den      - error in plasma density
  S_vel      - error in flow speed
  S_long     - error in flow longitude
  S_lat      - error in flow latitude
  N_den      - number of measurements of plasma density
  N_vel      - number of measurements of flow speed
  N_long     - number of measurements of flow longitude
  N_lat      - number of measurements of flow latitude
  Position   - position of spacecraft as GSE x, y and z coordinates in
             - units of Re, the earth's equatorial radius.

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