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Prompt Solar Geophysical Data Format

Copyright WDC C1 for STP at RAL.

Recent Solar-Geophysical Data (PROMPT data)

The only applicable units are nT for the actual data.

  Name          Dim  Type  Width  Dec  Null  Description
  ------------  ---  ----  -----  ---  ----  ------------------------
  Year            1  S         4    -     0  Calendar Year (4 digits)
  Month           1  B         2    -     0  Month number
  Day             1  B         2    -     0  Day number
  SSN_Meudon      1  S         3    -   -99  Meudon sunspot number
  SSN_Boulder     1  S         3    -   -99  Boulder sunspot number
  Radio_Flux      1  S         3    -   -99  Ottowa 10.7cm Radio Flux
  Ap              1  S         3    -   -99  Ap index
  Ap_1            1  S         3    -   -99  Ap forecast from 1 day ago
  Ap_2            1  S         3    -   -99  Ap forecast from 2 days ago
  Ap_3            1  S         3    -   -99  Ap forecast from 3 days ago

Field Types

  Code  Data Type                     Storage
  ----  ----------------------------  -------
     C  CHARACTER                     1 byte
     P  DOUBLE PRECISION REAL         8 bytes
     R  REAL                          4 bytes
     I  INTEGER                       4 bytes
     S  SMALL INTEGER                 2 bytes
     B  BYTE (unsigned integer 0-255) 1 byte