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aa Hourly Data

Copyright WDC C1 for STP at RAL.

Geomagnetic Planetary Indices (aa data)

The only applicable units are nT for the actual data.

  FieldName    Dimension Type Width DecimalPlaces NullValues Units
  ------------ --------- ---- ----- ------------- ---------- -----
  Date                 3    S     4             0          0     -
  aa                   8    S     3             0          0    nT

Field Definitions

  Field      Data Size         Field Definition
  ----------  ----------------  ----------------------------
  Date        Array of 3 items  Year(4 digit), Month and Day
  aa          Single item       Index value every 3 hours 

Field Types

  Code  Data Type                     Storage
  ----  ----------------------------  -------
     C  CHARACTER                     1 byte
     P  DOUBLE PRECISION REAL         8 bytes
     R  REAL                          4 bytes
     I  INTEGER                       4 bytes
     S  SMALL INTEGER                 2 bytes
     B  BYTE (unsigned integer 0-255) 1 byte