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am Daily Data

The only applicable units are nT for the actual data.

  FieldName    Dimension Type Width DecimalPlaces NullValues Units
  ------------ --------- ---- ----- ------------- ---------- -----
  Date                 3    S     4             0          0     -
  am                   1    S     4             0         -1    nT

Field Definitions

  Field      Data Size         Field Definition
  ----------  ----------------  ----------------------------
  Date        Array of 3 items  Year(4 digit), Month and Day
  am          Single item       Index value

Field Types

  Code  Data Type                     Storage
  ----  ----------------------------  -------
     C  CHARACTER                     1 byte
     P  DOUBLE PRECISION REAL         8 bytes
     R  REAL                          4 bytes
     I  INTEGER                       4 bytes
     S  SMALL INTEGER                 2 bytes
     B  BYTE (unsigned integer 0-255) 1 byte