Low elevations to the south to monitor open-closed boundary and "dark region" poleward of substorm onset. Use magnetic meridian and Longyearbyen-Tromsø great circle at minimum elevation to give beamswinging flow vectors and a higher elevation along magnetic meridian to help define F-region structures.
  1. azimuth ?
    elevation ?
    dwell time ?
  2. azimuth ?
    elevation ?
    dwell time ?
  3. azimuth ?
    elevation ?
    dwell time ?
Total scan cycle length = ? (again 6 min is desirable)
  • alternating code E-region (details TBD)
  • longpulse F-region (maximum altitude more important than range resolution) : pulse length TBD
  • 10-s pre-integrations

    Vertical VHF with field aligned UHF and tristatic point at peak of F-region - monitors substorm onset region.
  • VHF
    - azimuth -
    - elevation 0°
    pulse coding?
  • UHF
    - azimuth ?
    - elevation ?
    pulse coding ?

  • Mainly for substorm studies.

    This mode could be considered for EISCAT/ESR configurations with Cluster:

  • ESR at about 9-15 MLT
  • ESR at about 15-21 MLT
    13, 13*, 14, 33, 34, 35, 48, 50, 51, 51*, 65, 66, 66*, 67
  • ESR at 21-03 MLT
    1, 2, 2*, 4, 18, 19, 19*, 20, 36, 38, 38*, 53, 53*, 54, 55
  • ESR at about 03-09 MLT
    9, 10, 11, 28, 28*, 29, 30, 44, 45, 46, 46*, 47*, 61, 61*, 63

  • Diagrams

  • GIF
  • PostScript

  • GBDC | EISCAT/ESR modes

    25-SEP-1995 Richard Stamper