STFC  >  Space Science  >  SEDAT  > Contacts

SEDAT contact information

General information

This work is being by carried out by the STFC Space Science Department, which is based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) near Oxford, UK. The mailing address is:

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Near Didcot
Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX
United Kingdom

The telephone and fax numbers of project personnel take the form +44 1235 44 nnnn where nnnn is the four-digit extension number shown below.

Project personnel

Name Role Phone Fax Email
Mike Hapgood Project manager 6520 5848
Matthew Wild Software engineer 5173 5848
Richard Stamper Software engineer 6602 5848


ESTEC contact

The ESTEC Technical Officer for this contract is Alain Hilgers (Email

STFC[STFC]    Space Science and Technology Department[SSTD]

$Date: 2009/02/04 11:18:40 $ Mike Hapgood